Safer, Stronger, Healthier Neighborhoods
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District H is the heart of Houston, having some established neighborhoods steeped in history right alongside neighborhoods on their own journey of growth and development. Each unique neighborhood has its own character and set of issues that need time and attention.
I was born and raised in District H and care deeply about it and the people who call it home. I want to see it live up to its potential. I will be a voice and a fighter for the entire district.
I’ve served on the Hardy/Near Northside Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone 21 (TIRZ) board and led the effort to expand the zone to three times its size to help remediate blight and address long-standing infrastructure problems in the area. I’ve also served on the board of the Houston Land Bank helping to facilitate two projects bringing workforce housing to District H.
My career has been focused on working to build communities up and empowering people to use their voices to advocate for themselves and their neighborhoods. This is my approach to leadership and I’ll be ready on day one to deliver results for the people of District H.

I am running for Houston City Council District H. The position of district council member is primarily focused on constituent services for residents of District H. Constituent services include assisting with city services like trash pickup, stray or dead animals, illegal dumping, noise violations, etc. A district council member advocates on behalf of their district at weekly city council meetings, ensuring that resources are coming into the district and community needs are being properly addressed. It’s important for the council member to build relationships with the City of Houston department directors to ensure priorities and needs are heard.